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  • Bisphosphonates: A group of drugs that were originally developed to treat conditions such as Paget's Disease of Bone and osteoporosis. The different compounds each have slightly different characteristics and potency. These drugs are being investigated as treatments for OI. They include, pamidronate, alendronate, and zoledronate.
  • BMD(Bone Mineral Density): The amount of bone per unit of skeletal area. Tests for BMD are used to evaluate bone health and fracture risk.
  • Bone Density Test: Bone density tests, also called bone mineral density (BMD) tests, measure bone density in various sites of the body. It is most important to measure bone mass in the spine, hips, and arms because these areas are likely to fracture when bone mass is low. These tests are useful for people with OI as a method for estimating fracture risk and to assess the result of treatments.
  • Bone Mass: The weight of the skeleton, overall or in specific regions such as the spine or hip.
  • Bowing: A curve in a normally straight long bone. This can be the result of angulation from healed fractures or gradual deformation of the bone over time as a response to the forces upon it.
  • Brittle Teeth (Dentigenesis Imperfecta): Hereditary condition characterized by translucent gray to yellow-brown teeth involving both dedicuous (baby) and permanent teeth. The enamel fractures easily. Dentigenesis Imperfecta can be seen in people with osteogenesis imperfecta or it can be caused by a separate inherited autosomal dominant trait.